Industry Standards
Elemental, Inc. maintains the Recycling Industry Operating Standard™ (RIOS 2016™) certification which integrates components of Health and Safety, Quality, Environment and Legal Compliance.
Additionally, Elemental, Inc. is certified to the Responsible Recycling (R2V3™) standards, which focus on the reuse and proper disposition of used and end of life electronics.
Elemental offers an alternative to landfill disposal and insures that all materials received are processed and recycled, destroyed or displaced in an environmentally correct manner that is in accordance with all local, state and federal regulations.
Permitted Bonded Insured
Fully permitted by the PA Department of Environmental Protection and registered with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Elemental, Inc. was one of the first to obtain the Pennsylvania General Waste Permit # WMGR081 for the “processing and beneficial use of electronic equipment and components by sorting, disassembling or mechanical processing” (click here for more info). Elemental, Inc. is bonded and carries all necessary and applicable insurances.